Monday 30 September 2013

Jennifer Aniston and Katie Holmes in ONE shirt woooo!!

Two stars, one day, ONE shirt! Who wore it better, Jennifer Aniston or Katie Holmes? PICS
This Isabel Marant shirt was spotted on both ladies yesterday on opposite coasts. I say Jennifer Aniston wins the style-off, for the HAT, the Chanel bag and those fabulous wedge sandals. I want about you?

Las Vegas Night Club Party

20 Things Boys Can Do to Become Men

20 Things Boys Can Do to Become Men

By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Why should a young man listen to an old guy about the best way to become a man? Because the typical teen is not yet able to see a future past the next few months. That's not a fault of character, but the fact that teens' brains have not yet physically matured. The pre-fontal cortex (PFC) does not fully develop in most people until they're twenty-four years old. Yet, the PFC is responsible for regulating mood, attention span, impulse control, and the ability to plan ahead and understand the consequences of one's actions. In the meantime, it's up to the adults to guide them by showing them possible consequences-good and bad-of their behavior. With that in mind, here's my guide to becoming a man:
1. Learn who you are as an individual. Figuring out who you are, what you care about, what you believe in, and what you stand for is the most important-and most difficult-challenge of becoming a man. We're all raised with people telling us what to think, how to act, and what to say. Sometimes those people are parents, teachers, ministers, and other so-called authorities. Sometimes they are our friends and peers. Most of the time, given the choice, we seek the easiest path, the path of least resistance. We go along to get along. Sometimes that's okay. But it's those instances when you opt for a different path that can really define you as an individual. The important thing is you make those decisions for yourself-not out of spite against authority figures, or because of peer pressure, or even out of fear of losing someone's affection-but out of conviction of who you are and who you want to be.

20 Things Every Man Should Know By The Time He's 30
2. Stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
British statesman Edmund Burke once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." That's one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me that it's not enough to have lofty ideals and beliefs, you sometimes have to actually get off the couch and defend those beliefs. This is especially hard when you're hanging with your friends and they all express an opinion that is the opposite of yours. Because you're outnumbered, it's easy for them to ridicule your opinion. Be strong. Defend your opinions and beliefs. If you think it's wrong to be racist but someone in your group says something racist (or sexist, or ant-Semitic, or anti-gay), then tell them you don't agree and that you don't think they should make such statements. That's how these verbal bullies are eventually defeated. More important, you'll feel proud that you took a stand. Those moments you do nothing will haunt you for a long time.

3. Avoid a physical fight-if you can.
You're probably thinking, "That's easy for you to say, Kareem. You're 7'1" so nobody wants to mess with you." That wasn't always true. When I was a young boy, I was bullied. And my dad was a cop, so that made it even more embarrassing. Later in life, I took up martial arts and even trained with my good friend Bruce Lee. That's why you can trust me when I say that fighting is almost always a mistake. There's a Chinese proverb that says, "The man who throws the first punch has lost the argument." That means that when an argument turns into a fight, it's because the one starting the fight realizes he isn't smart enough to win verbally, so he resorts to violence. It's always the dumbest guy who resorts to violence.
What do you do if someone threatens you with violence? You walk away, even run away if necessary. Even if you're pretty sure you could take him. Bad things can happen in a fight, even if no one means them to. Someone can take an unexpected fall and crack his head open. Teeth can be knocked out. Facial bones can be cracked. And all the crying later about how "it was an accident!" won't change that.
So, if you're threatened, leave and tell your parents. Some people are of the belief that you should just go right after the bully, fighting him to show you're not afraid. While this works well in movies, it doesn't work as well in real life. These days violence tends to beget violence. The bully doesn't just slink away, he returns with a baseball bat-or worse. You can still stand up for yourself without resorting to violence: that's what Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, the Buddha, and Jesus did.
The only time you should fight is if there is no other recourse. You can't run, you can't talk your way out of it. If that's the case, hit first, either in the nose (sometimes the blood will discourage further fighting) or the crotch (because the pain will make it hard for him to chase you). One punch and then run.

75 Things Every Man Should Do Before He Dies
4. Play a team sport. I'm all for individual sports-as I mentioned, I did martial arts for many years and also yoga. (Don't think it's a sport? Try it!) But playing on a team teaches you how to interact with others, adjust to various personalities, work together as a team, be generous, and many other character-building traits. The cool part is that you don't have to join an organized team; you can just go down to the playground or open gym and play pick-up basketball or volleyball.

5. Choose your friends for the right reasons.

Good friends can see you through a lot of the tough parts of growing up. But bad friends can actually be the cause some of those tough parts. Don't hang out with kids just to piss off your parents or try to be something that you're not. You waste a lot of your youth that way-and miss out of some meaningful friendships.
6. Fight your fear of the unknown. We all have a tendency to hate what we don't understand, whether it comes in the form of different food, different cultures, or different ideas. There was a Yale study in which researchers examined the brains of people as they were presented with proof that an opinion they held was wrong. MRIs showed that when those people immediately rejected the new evidence, their brains released an addictive chemical that made them feel good. In that way our own bodies are actually encouraging our ignorance and fear. Fight that impulse. Becoming a man means growing, learning, and understanding-not cowering under a blanket with a handful of comforting notions.
(By the way, don't confuse physical bravery with intellectual bravery. It's easier to jump out of a plane-hopefully with a parachute-than it is to change your mind about an opinion. Acts of physical bravado will give you an initial rush, but exploring a new culture or examining a new idea will mature you and make you the kind of person others will be interested in.)

75 Things Men Don't Know About Women
7. Listen to advice. Whatever troubles and doubts you're facing, billions of guys before you have gone through the same thing. Your dad probably knows exactly how you feel most of the time because he can remember the same pain and anxiety. Listening to people's advice doesn't always mean taking it. You have to decide which advice is right for you. But it might be a good idea to collect some quotes from those who came before you so you can refer to them when you need to.

I'm going to get you started with one of my favorites from philosopher George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." That means that if you don't learn from the experiences of others and yourself, you will end up making the same mistakes over and over. So, when someone gives you advice, don't dismiss it just because they're older than you.

8. Be politically aware.
One clear difference between children and adults is an awareness of your community outside your circle of friends and family. The world is constantly changing. Whether it changes for the better or the worse depends on the actions of those willing to get involved. Kids who don't know anything about their world try to hide it by saying, "I don't really care. It doesn't affect me." But that just confirms that they wish to remain children and have adults tell them what to do and think. Part of being a man is to be informed so you are prepared to take an active and responsible place in your society. Read newspapers, magazines, watch the news. Discuss these subjects with your friends, but always while respecting each other's opinions.

9. Mind your manners.
When you're a kid being told to firmly shake hands, keep your elbows off the table, or ask guests if they'd like a drink, it all seems like a load of dumb and arbitrary rules. Some of it is. But part of becoming a man is the realization that it doesn't matter whether or not the rules of manners make sense. What matters is the effect of following these rules: people appreciate the effort and respect shown them. In turn, they will show you respect.

10. Be patient in love.

Most of the information boys have about girls is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! It's based on stereotypes, rumors, bad songs, shallow teen movies, and immature celebrities in personal tailspins. The worst thing you can do in looking to find a significant other is to try to change yourself into something you're not just because you think that's what girls are looking for. It doesn't work.
The best way to get an idea of what's attractive to girls is to talk to them. Like a girl? Get to know her, ask her about herself, then show her you've been listening to what she says. Did she mention a book she likes? Send her an article about the book. It's low-key, non-stalkerish, and shows you care what she talks about.

10 Ways To Have Better Sex
11. Stay fit. It's hard for all those teenage boys with turbo-charged metabolisms to understand that their bodies will not always be evaporating the masses of greasy calories they consume. They can eat a pizza and a tub of ice cream, then run three miles. They can't imagine that will ever change, even when you show them photos of their lean dads' as teens and they look at the potbellies that have miraculously appeared later. But eating somewhat healthily and maintaining an exercise regimen will not only help fight off diseases and aging, they'll also help ensure an active lifestyle for many years. In other words, the body is like any machine: It may run great when it's new, but after years of neglect it will slow down, and eventually break down. Then you're the one vegging on the sofa while your pals are playing pick-up ball at the gym.

12. Never, never do something on a dare.
"I dare you" may be the three most dangerous words in the language for kids. The challenge to prove yourself to others is very tempting, especially since the alternative seems to be showing yourself to be a coward. But that's not really the case. The person who dares you is counting on your not being strong or smart enough to see this challenge as the empty, laughable joke it is. The person who refuses a dare displays intelligence, courage, and independence. And that's what daring someone is trying to rob them of.

13. Get organized.
One main difference between a boy and a man is that boys talk about what they want to do and men actually do those things. Another difference is that men have less time to accomplish more. In order to do all the things they want, they have to be organized. They keep a calendar (the one in your smart phone is handy), they make a to-do list, and they don't put off doing things until later. Being organized can change your life: you do more things you want to do, you finish things you need to finish, and you have more time to pursue new activities and relationships. In general, you will be much more successful.

14. Find heroes to copy.
There are so many worthwhile people to look up to and try to emulate. People from history. Even characters in books and movies. The trick is in picking the right people for the right reasons. Skip most sports, music, and movie/TV celebrities. It's not that they aren't nice people, but the fact that they're successful and make a lot of money doesn't make them wise. Often, it's just the opposite. They pursued fame and glory so single-mindedly that they have no other interests and minimal education. Many are woefully misinformed about current events, yet at the same time frequently offering their weak, misinformed opinions. Don't make the mistake of believing that just because a person can act or sing, he or she also has valuable insights into politics or culture. Find heroes-real or fictional-that embody the values that you want to have, not the bank account.

15. Be independent.
A man can take care of his own daily needs. In fact, he wants to. Make your bed, do your laundry, learn to cook, hang up your clothes. Slovenliness is the sign of an immature mind. The sooner you start doing things for yourself, the sooner you will have the respect of others-and of yourself.

16. Question authority.
Respect your elders but don't think them infallible. Teachers, parents, relatives, politicians, and well-meaning guys like me really do want what's best for you. But we aren't always right. Even when presenting supposed "facts," people can be misleading in an effort to manipulate you into being who they want you to be or doing what they want you to do. History is filled with politicians misrepresenting "facts" in order to convince the population to back rash policies. Teachers sometimes aren't caught up on the latest research. To be your own man, you will have to make up your own mind about things.

17. Get smart.

Making up your own mind doesn't mean "going with your gut," "listening to your heart," or any other such clichés, however. That's the lazy man's way of avoiding the work that comes with developing an informed opinion. Want to express an opinion about the election, the death penalty, or gay marriage? First, do your research. Don't rely on biased sources. Your goal is to find the truth, not just confirm an opinion you already held. Every time you express an uninformed opinion, others will dismiss you as a child, someone who can only parrot others' opinions. A man knows how to educate himself in pursuit of truth.

18. Express yourself.
Go ahead, dye your hair purple. Grow it long, shave it off. Wear all black, wear all white, wear boots, wear leather, wear a dress. This is the time to try on new identities to see which ones fit you best. Sure, you might have to endure some taunts, but it's more important that you figure out who you are than caring what those shut-ins of the mind think.
(A word of caution: avoid doing anything permanent, like tattoos, because, just your taste in clothes, hair styles, music, your thoughts about pretty much everything will change. What you think is really deep and insightful today will seem shallow and immature in a few years. And you don't want something you will later think is childish permanently etched on your body.)

19. Pay attention to the short run….
People who care about you are always talking about your future: what courses to take for your career, what sports will help you get into college, what to look for in the person you're going to marry. All that stuff is important to think about. But don't let planning for your future consume your present. Do some things just because they're fun now. Take that art appreciation class just because it would be fun to learn about it. Play Injustice just to see Wonder Woman kick Batman's ass. Read those Deadpool comic books just because they're wickedly funny.

20. …But keep your eye on the long run.
Most of what's important to you now won't be in a few years. Friends will change. Priorities will shift. That can be a pretty scary prospect. Most boys are afraid of growing into their nightmare version of an adult: the flaccid, self-righteous, humorless sack of meat dumped on the couch shouting commands or barking advice that begins, "When I was your age…." Don't worry, it doesn't have to turn out that way. Another favorite quote of mine is from Thomas Jefferson: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." He meant that the cost of freedom is to always be watching for someone wanting to take that freedom away, but a variation of that quote can apply here: "The price of being a man is eternal vigilance." Know who you are, what you stand for, watch for any assaults on your principles, but always be open to change if the evidence warrants it.

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Best-Paying Work-from-Home Jobs

Best-Paying Work-from-Home Jobs

By Catherine Conlan
Monster Contributing Writer

It’s easier than ever to work from home. With the rise of email, company intranets, video conference calling and other technology, many workers are finding that working from home makes a lot of sense. Of course, not every job is a mobile job, and some companies aren’t interested in having their employees work from home.

“Workers whose job duties are clearly defined with quantifiable metrics associated to them are particularly well-suited to working from home,” says Sara Madiuk of Firecracker PR. “These include knowledge workers of any sort, or programmers.” It also includes people in sales or business development whose performance is measured by results.

If you’re interested in working from home, keep in mind that it’s usually a perk offered only to employees who’ve already shown they’re productive and trustworthy.

“In order for me to feel comfortable that an employee can be trusted to work effectively from home, I have to feel the employee has shown he will execute in the office,” says Penny Miller of Venture HRO. “Some examples of how employees can do that are: Meet expenses. Keep me updated on problems that may affect the outcome. Solve routine problems on your own. Follow through. If I worry about whether you will complete your projects in the office with me sitting there, you can bet I am not going to trust you to complete work at home.”

If you’ve got the track record and the desire to work from home, here are six of the top-paying work-from-home jobs.

Median Annual Telecommuter Salary: $96,000

An actuary mathematically analyzes data to quantify financial risk and liability related to different outcomes. Skills required include asset and liability management and a knack for analysis. This data-driven occupation lends itself well to working at home.

Find actuary jobs.

Business Intelligence Analyst
Median Annual Telecommuter Salary: $79,200

If you have a knack for making business decisions, recognizing business trends and analyzing the competition, consider being a business intelligence analyst. Skills include collecting and presenting data to decision-makers and strategic analysis of business trends. You’ll be expected to make recommendations to top-level decision-makers about the direction a company should take regarding its performance and position in the industry.

As another data-analysis profession, this is also a prime candidate for working at home. However, there will definitely be times when a business intelligence analyst needs to be in the office to meet with company officers and managers or to make presentations.

Find business intelligence jobs.

Software Developer
Median Annual Telecommuter Salary: $75,500

People who design, research and test software often need a lot of time to work on their projects without dealing with the end users. If you have the equipment at home, being a software developer can be an excellent work-at-home job.

Software developers can go for long stretches of time without having to meet with end users, a situation that makes their jobs ideally suited for work-from-home status. The position does take a lot of education and training, but if you’re a mid- to top-level software developer at your company, talk to your manager about working at home.

Find software developer jobs.

Compensation Analyst
Median Annual Telecommuter Salary: $74,500

A compensation analyst looks at market data and internal information to provide guidance on compensation plans for employees in a way that works for the company’s budget. This can include starting salaries, merit increases, total compensation and other compensation issues. Some analysts will also advise on other human resources issues such as job descriptions.

Find compensation analyst jobs.

Market Research Manager
Median Annual Telecommuter Salary: $71,900

If you enjoy market research -- pricing, customers, competition and so on -- consider being a market research manager. Market research managers work with companies to find the value of a product or service and then do research to find out what customers will be willing to pay for it. This also may require some face-to-face time to meet with company officers or research the product or service, but much of the data analysis could be done outside the office.

Find market research manager jobs.

Public Relations Manager
Median Annual Telecommuter Salary: $63,200

Many people run PR managers from their home offices, as much of the work is done over the phone or online. PR managers reach out to the media and directly to consumers to manage the public image of the companies they work for through issuing press releases, dealing with the media and sometimes helping plan events.

"We have hired a couple employees for our Social Media and PR team who, at some point or another, have moved abroad, but wanted to keep working for the company,” says Dana Case, director of operations at “Since their main duties included turning in written work by their deadlines, and because they're good employees, working from home has worked out fine. The best working-from-home situation is when an employee's main job involves turning in quality work by certain deadlines. Anything written can be done from home (or another country), and as long as they turn in their work on time, I know they're doing their job.”

Source: All salary data provided by online salary database Salaries listed are median, annual salaries based on annual salary or hourly wage and include bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions and other forms of cash earnings as applicable. All salaries are for employees with five to eight years of experience who indicated that they have the option to telecommute or work from home.

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Meatballs' sequel swallows up U.S., Canadian box office

Meatballs' sequel swallows up U.S., Canadian box office

Voice talents from the new Sony Pictures Animation film "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" pose during a photo call in Beverly Hills, California

(L-R) Andy Samberg, Anna Faris, Bill Hader and Terry Crews, voice talents from the new Sony Pictures …
By Lisa Richwine and Chris Michaud
LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The sequel to "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" devoured the weekend box office competition.
The animated 3D "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2," which tells the story of monster-sized fruits, vegetables and cheeseburgers that come to life as "foodimals," earned $35 million at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to studio estimates on Sunday, easily beating all competitors.
"Cloudy 2" outpaced car racing drama "Rush," which pulled in $10.3 million from Friday through Sunday to finish third, behind last week's winner, drama "Prisoners" starring Hugh Jackman, which made $11.3 million.
The "Cloudy" sequel features the voices of Bill Hader and Anna Faris and is a follow-up to a 2009 hit that saw the fictional island of Swallow Falls attacked by giant food that plunges from the sky. In the new installment, the food comes to life and evolves into "foodimals" that include a hippopotamus, eggplanatee and cheespider, a cheeseburger with sesame-seed eyes and french-fry legs.
Some forecasters projected "Cloudy 2" would gross up to $45 million, though Sony said it expected a lower debut of between $30 million and $35 million. The movie cost $78 million to produce.
"This is just a fantastic start," said Rory Bruer, Sony Pictures' worldwide president of distribution.
"We knew that people really loved the film from our early screenings, and it's one of those times that the sequel is better than the first one," he said.
Bruer also predicted that the film would resonate with audiences overseas, saying: "I'm certain it's going to do even better internationally."
"Rush," from Oscar-winning director Ron Howard, tells the story of the 1976 battle for the Formula One racing championship. Chris Hemsworth stars as Englishman James Hunt and Daniel Bruhl as his rival, Austrian Niki Lauda.
The movie expanded to nearly 2,300 theaters after a very limited debut a week ago. It was produced for $38 million by Cross Creek Pictures and Exclusive Media and distributed by Universal Pictures, a unit of Comcast Corp.
Nikki Rocco, president for domestic distribution at Universal Pictures, said: "Although we started out on the low end of where we thought we would be, strong exit polls and good word-of-mouth will help it find its niche in the weeks to come."
"Rush" won strong reviews from critics with an 88 percent positive rating from compendium website rottentomatoes, and an A-minus grade from CinemaScore, which polls moviegoers.
"Prisoners," starring Jackman as a father on a desperate search for his missing daughter, brought its domestic sales total to $39 million after two weekends. The movie, which topped box office charts when it debuted a week ago, was released by Warner Bros., a unit of Time Warner Inc.
New romantic comedy "Baggage Claim," distributed by Fox Searchlight, a unit of 21st Century Fox and starring Paula Patton as a woman on a 30-day quest to find a mate, finished in fourth place with $9.3 million.
Raunchy comedy "Don Jon" debuted in the weekend's No. 5 spot with $9 million. The movie stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a young man whose pornography addiction interferes with his relationship with a young woman, played by Scarlett Johansson. Gordon-Levitt also wrote and directed the film, which Relativity Media acquired for $4 million.

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How to get back in your field if you were laid off

How to get back in your field if you were laid off

Get A Career Edge

Experts weigh in with what you need to do to stand out in today's tough job market.

By Terence Loose
Are you experienced in your field, but also unemployed? Have you been trying to get back into your profession for a while with no luck? You need a competitive edge - and you need one fast.
After all, the world is changing faster than ever before, and it's important to keep up, says Phil Dunn, president of Synapse Services, a Web technologies and marketing company. Dunn and other experts we spoke to in fields ranging from education to computer software to finance say that no matter what field you're in - or trying to get back into - you need to use today's tools to attract clients or employers.
"You need to have a LinkedIn account with some sort of history and lots of your professional experience in there," says Dunn. "Bonus points for sharing articles, videos, [and other examples] that demonstrate how you're keeping on top of your industry's trends."
In addition, the experts say staying up-to-date on certificates, degrees, computer program languages, and other skills in your field is as important as experience. So if you're out of the workforce and want to know what you can do to improve your chances of getting back in it, read on for specific advice from experts in various fields.


Got work? If not, but you're ready to climb back into the marketing saddle, there are a few things you can do to give yourself an edge.
Marketing pros are the whiz kids who use everything from conventional media to social media campaigns to promote products and services. And according to Anthony P. Carnevale, director of Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, marketing has never been more valuable to business. So how do you stand out? Funny you should ask...
How to Stand Out: "It's now imperative that you have some sort of experience with a variety of tools that may or may not be outside your comfort zone," says Dunn. He lists Photoshop or Pixlr (for those who don't want to spend the money), InDesign, Illustrator, MailChimp, or Constant Contact, WordPress and/or Squarespace.
"And in general, you need to be able to manage social media pages and profiles," he says. "This could mean mastering something as low-budget as Hootsuite or going further up the chain into the more sophisticated tools from Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Eloqua, Marketo, and the like," he says.
Potential Career to Go After: Marketing Manager. These are the masterminds who oversee advertising campaigns to help companies gain new and loyal customers as well as generate interest in a product or service, says the U.S. Department of Labor.

If you have a background in marketing, but would like to pursue a job as a marketing manager, you'll want to make sure you have a bachelor's degree. The Department of Labor says most marketing managers have one and helpful coursework includes business law, management, economics, mathematics, and statistics.


The financial crash and recent recession was tough on financial portfolios, so if you were in the business of financial advising, there's a chance you lost clients, or your job.
Getting back in the game as the economy recovers "requires a mixture of credentials, experience, marketing, and people skills," says Connie Yan, a marketing associate with Symmetry Partners, LLC, an investment advisory firm registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. And that's just a start...
How to Stand Out: "There's little doubt that the financial advisory field is a competitive industry, so any way that you can differentiate yourself from the competition is a plus," says Yan. "Obtaining an educational designation such as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) is an excellent way to separate yourself from the pack."
Jeff Rose, CFP, CEO and founder of Alliance Wealth Management, LLC, says some personal marketing and promotion skills are also key. "My big takeaway is that struggling advisors need to learn how to leverage social media to generate a constant stream of referrals, as well as build greater trust amongst existing clients," he says. It should be noted that several experts gave this same advice. In financial parlance, that's a strong "buy it."
Potential Career to Go After: Personal Financial Advisor. Want to help individuals or organizations make sound investments, whether it's about stocks or bonds? That, along with giving other crucial financial advice, is what financial advisors do, says the U.S. Department of Labor.

If you're not yet a personal financial advisor, but would like to pursue the career, the Department of Labor says these professionals typically need a bachelor's degree. The Department also adds this: "Although employers usually do not require a specific field of study for personal financial advisors, a degree in finance, economics, accounting, business, mathematics, or law is good preparation for this occupation."

Software and Technology

When looking for prospective new hires, many software company executives feel that degrees and certificates merely get applicants in the "consider" category. Why? Technology professionals need to demonstrate competence in more ways than one.
"Experienced and unemployed software engineers generally need to acquire and demonstrate that they have new technical skills. Hiring managers need to see the work product," says Lorin Davie, a former hiring manager for software developers and founder of software firm Axilent. And how do you do that?
How to Stand Out: "While you're unemployed, take the time to write a new iPhone app, or to build a new Web service. It doesn't matter if you don't sell a single copy, it's the experience you'll gain from the venture. Savvy employers will see that you've been keeping your skills sharp and couldn't care less that you did or didn't do that for another employer," says Brian Geisel of Geisel Software, a Web and mobile app development company.
Open source projects are great calling cards as well, say many employers. "Go where the A Player software developers go: Attend your local city's User Groups, join online groups such as Github, contribute, and be active on Stackoverflow. Create some sample code work that you can share with potential employers that shows off your coding abilities," says Kelly Geary, a recruiter for Headspring, a leading custom software, systems integration, and mobile app development company.
Potential Career to Go After: Software Developer. Software developers create new computer applications or the underlying systems that run computer networks, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

If you're interested in this career, but not sure you have the educational qualifications, you should know that according to the Department of Labor, software developers usually have a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related subject, although a degree in math is also accepted.


Mentoring the next generation is a noble profession, but if you're finding it tough to land a teaching position, there are certain specific things you can do to up your chances, experts say.
A big one is to accept the fact that you may need to commute long distances or even move, says Susan Heathfield, a management consultant and writer of's Guide to Human Resources. "Teaching is one job that is very regional, so teachers may need to look far outside their local schools for jobs," she says. But that's not all...
How to Stand Out: Specificity is vital to standing out in this field, says Tracy Brisson, author of "Confessions of a Teacher Recruiter: How to Create an Extraordinary Resume and Hook Your Dream Job." "Customize your resume to highlight your specific accomplishments," she says. "I toss all resumes that just indicate the teacher participated in student teaching without any details like how many students, grade, or specific projects."
In addition, strategic certificates could give you an advantage. "Get a certificate or degree or experience in teaching English as a Foreign Language, as ESL students are pretty much the norm in all schools today," says Christy Grimste, director of international teacher recruitment at Educators Overseas, a teacher placement company for schools around the world.
"A TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) can be earned online by native English speakers," says Grimste. Staying active with children is also key: Volunteering at a local school or children's club tells employers you love what you do, she says.
Potential Career to Go After: Elementary School Teacher. Do you see yourself guiding young students in their discovery of abstract concepts? How about planning classroom activities and using a variety of learning tools and approaches? That's what elementary school teachers do, says the U.S. Department of Labor.

Elementary and kindergarten school teachers must have a bachelor's degree in education and be licensed if they want to teach in public schools, says the U.S. Department of Labor. Other requirements vary by state, some of which might require a bachelor's degree in the specific subject to be taught, such as math or science.

Public Relations

Ever heard the saying "Perception is reality"? Well, those in the public relations field are often the ones creating that perceived reality. Public relations (PR) people work on advertising campaigns, and are a company's liaison to the press, helping their employers put forth the image and branding that garners more customers, says Dunn.
But Dunn also says that thanks to technology, the reality for PR has changed considerably over the past decade. So if you want to jump back into this world, you might need a reality check...
How to Stand Out: "PR is now about blogging, videos, audio, and social media. Basically, high-quality content production and blasting social media channels. The days of blasting press releases are over, and even the big players in press releases - PR Newswire, Business Wire, etc. - have adapted accordingly," he says. "Other good tools for them are surveying solutions like Survey Monkey."
Another key to success is the personal connection, he says. "Good PR can start with a back and forth conversation on a topic or some good data to move on," says Dunn. So if you're out of work, keep up on all of your connections, because that's good PR for you, he says.
Potential Career to Go After: Public Relations Specialist. These PR pros help companies and individuals maintain a favorable public image by doing everything from creating material for media releases to raising funds, says the U.S. Department of Labor.

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Alex Ovechkin begins Olympic torch relay for Sochi Olympics in typically goofy fashion

Alex Ovechkin begins Olympic torch relay for Sochi Olympics in typically goofy fashion

Alex Ovechkin is the star captain of the Washington Capitals. He’s also the official ambassador of the 2014 Sochi Olympics for Russia, and his homeland’s most famous Winter Games athlete. The weekend began with Ovechkin competing for the Capitals in a preseason game against the Philadelphia Flyers in Washington. D.C. It ended with him in Olympia, Greece, as the first Russian to run with the Olympic torch on its journey to Sochi:
As you can see, the ceremony was quite … elaborate. Costumed performers in the ancient Temple of Hera “asked the Greek God Apollo to send the sun's rays to earth to light the flame of the Olympic Games,” according to Russia Today.
(There was probably a time when Ovechkin surrounded by Greek goddesses might have been, er, a distraction. So thanks, Maria Kirilenko.)
The torch is actually lit by the sun’s rays, reflected in a large mirror. No artificial fire is allowed. Or fire Ovechkin pretends is there.
The first torch was carried by Ioannis Antoniou, an 18-year-old alpine skier representing Greece. He handed it to Ovechkin, who accepted with his typically goofy grin. Later, the NHL star tweeted the following exclamations of excitement:

For the record, “poot hahahaha” was been retweeted nearly 600 times in two hours ... This torch relay will be the longest in Olympic history, going for 65,000 kilometers or 40,000 miles. There will be 14,000 torchbearers overall. It will be flown to Moscow on Oct. 6, and will be carried throughout the country for the next 123 days until the Feb. 7 opening ceremony.
Also from Russia Today:
The Sochi 2014 committee also confirmed that the torch will be the first in history to travel in space, approximately 400km to the International Space Station (ISS) on board of the Soyuz TMA-11M manned spaceship.
"Nobody has done this before. The spacewalk by two Russian cosmonauts with the Sochi 2014 Olympic torch will be a historic moment in the history of the Olympic torch relay," said head of the organizing committee at a press conference dedicated to the event.
So, has anyone told Ilya Bryzgalov about this leg of the torch relay yet?

As for Ovechkin, he’s scheduled back in Washington on Monday for a practice before the team travels to Chicago for Tuesday night’s opening game of the NHL season, where he will try and torch the Blackhawks' defense.

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Sunday 29 September 2013

How George Clooney Pulled Ultimate Pool Prank on Sandra Bullock

How George Clooney Pulled Ultimate Pool Prank on Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney at the Venice Film Festival in late August
Oscar winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are known mischief-makers, but this time George got Sandy. He got her good.
On "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" Friday, Bullock recounted a story about how the two were at a dinner party when he tricked her into jumping in a pool alone.
"I went to the bathroom and came out and there was George and someone else with just their pants on going, 'We're gonna go in the pool,' and I was like, 'Really?' " she recalled.
Bullock wanted to join in on the fun.
"And so I held their hands and on the count of three, and in slow motion I see Nicole Kidman with a stack of towels ... and I jump, and they let go, and I go in the pool."

But that wasn’t the worst part."The sad part was I wore this cute little lace dress that I paid a lot of money for and as I got out it started disintegrating," said Bullock.

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Katy Perry Talked to a Girl — and She Didn't Like It

Katy Perry Talked to a Girl — and She Didn't Like It

Fake smiles? Katy Perry and Barbara Walters on Nov. 16, 2011
Katy Perry got on Barbara Walters's bad side when she showed up late to an interview. The 28-year-old singer was named one of Walters's Most Fascinating People in 2011, around the same time Russell Brand filed for divorce.
"I shouldn't have done the interview," Perry tells Billboard Magazine. "I was playing Madison Square Garden that same night, and I knew that the end of my marriage was coming. I was just exhausted and stressed.”
Perry had told her team that she was running late, but Walters apparently never got the memo and showed up at the original time.

When she finally arrived, Perry says she immediately apologized, but Walters wasn't having it.
"She said to me, 'You know, I’ve only ever waited for one other person this long, and you know who that person was? Judy Garland. You know how she turned out, right?'" Perry recalls. "I was like, ‘Oh, snap! Yes, b---h!'"
Adds the "Roar" singer: "I just couldn't tell her as we were sitting down for a mega-interview, 'Hey, my marriage is falling apart. Give me a break.'" (During their chat, Walters asked Perry about her marriage to Brand and she awkwardly replied, "I think it's lovely, so far.")
Perry is now happily dating singer-songwriter John Mayer, whom she calls a "genius."
"I always tell him, "Darling, you know I'm going to have to give your mind to science after you've passed, because we're going to have to understand how all these sparks work,'" she says. "We'll be in bed, and he'll be doing the crossword puzzle. Every night, he tries to finish it in under 10 minutes. When he puts his mind to something, he really gets it done very well. I always ask for his help."

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Fashion Faceoff: Taylor Swift vs. Heidi Klum

Fashion Faceoff: Taylor Swift vs. Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum is used to being the one to judge the fashions on "Project Runway," but today, it's out of her hands as she faces off against the stylish Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift takes on Heidi Klum.

What they wore: A white shift dress that shimmered with crystals and featured a racy sheer panel, by KaufmanFranco.
When they wore it: Swift, 23, stepped out in the frock on January 24 when she appeared at the 40 Principales Music Awards in Madrid, Spain, while 40-year-old Klum selected the number for an "America's Got Talent" afterparty on August 21.
How they styled it: T. Swift rocked understated makeup and hair, along with booties from Christian Louboutin. Her competition, Klum, opted to wear the design in a more fitted size that really showcased her cleavage, and added Lorraine Schwartz jewels and some strappy Louboutins.
Judge's scorecard: The "Project Runway" star's style was fun, sure, but we think that the singer, not the model, is the one who really worked it in this dress. As Klum says on her show, "One day you're in, the next day you're out."

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Why Justin Timberlake Should Have Stuck To His Acting Career

Why Justin Timberlake Should Have Stuck To His Acting Career

Runner Runner20th Century Fox
Having recently worked with such illustrious filmmakers as David Fincher, Clint Eastwood and The Coen Brothers, Justin Timberlake's acting career may have recovered from its inauspicious start. But despite his impressive performance in The Social Network and likeable turn in rom-com Friends With Benefits, most of his fans were still clamoring to see him on the stage rather than on the big screen.

Indeed, although collaborations with the likes of Madonna, Ciara and T.I. kept his name in the upper reaches of the Top 10 during his pursuit of a glittering Hollywood career, seven years had passed since his last album first hit the shelves by the time he finally announced his return to the pop scene in January.

Considering both 2002 debut Justified and 2006 follow-up FutureSex/LoveSounds established him as the new King of Pop with their innovative blend of electro-funk, R&B and hip-hop, expectations were inevitably high for its long-awaited follow-up. But while the lead tracks from his previous two efforts pushed the boundaries of mainstream pop, "Suit & Tie" was instead a rather lacklustre retro affair which sounded more like an underwhelming fourth single than a globe-conquering comeback.

Its parent album, The 20/20 Experience, turned out to be just as mediocre as with the exception of the hip-shaking Latin pop of "Let The Groove Get In" and the "Cry Me A River" Part III balladry of "Mirrors," Mr. Jessica Biel appeared to have forgotten everything that made him such a great pop star.

Bogged down by Timbaland's tired-sounding production, an over-reliance on cringey sex talk and a ridiculously bloated 70-minute running time (only one of its ten songs clocked in under the 5.00 mark), the record was severely lacking in both major hooks and any form of quality control.

Unfortunately, its astonishing success (nearly one million US sales in its first week, the biggest-selling album of 2013 so far) meant that instead of looking for someone to rein in his self-indulgent streak, Timberlake stuck with the man who encouraged it and soon announced that a hasty follow-up would be on its way.

Apparently learning nothing from Gwen Stefani, whose patchy sophomore effort The Great Escape, was lazily assembled from leftovers from her brilliant debut, Love. Angel. Music. Baby, JT  admitted that The 20/20 Experience 2 of 2 would consist of tracks that hadn't made the cut on 1 of 2.

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When Authors Adapt Their Own Work: Have These Films Suffered?

When Authors Adapt Their Own Work: Have These Films Suffered?

THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWERPh: John Bramley 2011 Summit Entertainment, LLC.  All rights reserved.Summit Entertainment
Adaptation is a tricky business; a disaster waiting to happen. Significant change is inevitable and necessary when taking a story from one medium to another. But, when studios are more concerned with making a marketable product than a quality one, much can be lost in translation. The elation authors after having their work optioned must be followed by a crippling fear that what they've created will wrenched out of their hands and twisted into something unrecognizable. These novelists decided to hold onto their babies and adapt the screenplays themselves.
John IrvingThe Cider House Rules
Irving finessed his epic novel into a two-hour film (starring Tobey Maguire and Michael Caine) by compressing some 15 years of action into nine months, and then took home the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for his efforts.
Stephen ChobskyThe Perks of Being a Wallflower
Generation Y'ers the world over would have protested if they felt that Chobsky's ode to teenage angst was being bastardized by Hollywood. They breathed sighs of relief when the novelist not only took up screenwriting duties, but the directing gig too.
Graham GreeneThe Third Man
Greene's strategy for developing the Orson Welles-fronted classic was a little different. He wrote the novella version of the story to aid him in developing the screenplay, and then published the book after the film came out.
William Peter Blatty — The Exorcist
Blatty also won the Academy Award for Adapted Screenplay for adapting his bestselling horror novel into a movie that's so scary it caused viewers to cry, faint, and, if the urban legends are true, be institutionalized.

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3 Surprisingly Affordable Stores Where All The Celebrities Are Shopping

3 Surprisingly Affordable Stores Where All The Celebrities Are Shopping

NEW YORK, NY - JUNE 11:  (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) Rihanna seen walking in SoHo on June 11, 2012 in New York City.  (Photo by James Devaney/WireImage)James Devaney/Wireimage
There’s nothing more depressing, more financially damaging than trying to dress like a celebrity. Many of us have attempted such feats, splurging on the occasional Prada shades when we were in college. But as the years go by and real responsibilities start kicking in (like, ya know, apartments and diapers and whatnot) it gets to be more and more impossible to keep up with these celebs. However, occasionally, many of them leave the couture labels behind and hit up the kinds of stores that lots of us can afford — which is really nice of them. Rihanna, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Kate Bosworth, Julianne Hough, and even First Lady Michele Obama have all been spotted in beautiful threads from these three amazingly affordable spots. Which is awesome for those of us who want to dress just like them, on maybe 1/25 of their budgets.

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Taylor Swift May Be Joining 'The Giver,' But That's Not What's Wrong With The Film

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 09:  Musician Taylor Swift arrives at the "One Chance" Premiere during the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival at Winter Garden Theatre on September 9, 2013 in Toronto, Canada.  (Photo by George Pimentel/WireImage)George Pimentel/WireImage
You can officially check off the "pop star" and "childhood classic" squares of your YA Novel Film Adaptation bingo card: Taylor Swift is reportedly set to join the cast of The Giver, which is based on Lowis Lowry's highly acclaimed book. She was reportedly offered a supporting role by producer Harvey Weinstein after she and the film's star, Brandon Thwaites, hit it off at the Toronto International Film Festival. The Giver's story follows Jonas, a 12-year-old boy who lives in a dystopian society where life is strictly regulated and emotions are suppressed. Things change, though, when he is given the job of Receiver of Memories and his training with the Giver starts to open his eyes to the dark realities of his community and of life itself.
The decision to cast Swift is a surprise primarily because her acting experience and talents lie in more comedic roles, like 2010's Valentine's Day or her Season 2 guest spot on New Girl. The Giver would be a much darker and more serious project than she has previously undertaken, and it's frankly hard to imagine what kind of role she will play in the film, or if she will be able to pull off the kind of performance the heavy material requires. However, Swift has dabbled in drama before, when she appeared in a 2009 episode of CSI, so there's a chance that she could surprise everyone and turn out a solid performance.
The real issue with The Giver, however, is not Swift's casting, but rather the fact that it is being made into a film at all. The story is a highly emotional one, and most of the things Jonas learns from the Giver are communicated through memories. Finding a way to effectively communicate them and what they represent for Jonas and the Giver will not be an easy task. Even more difficult, then, will be finding a way to visualize the emotions that Jonas discovers during his training, as the significant changes in his perspective come from actually feeling things for the first time. It's hard for us to picture any way in which the heavily internal nature of the novel will be able to translate itself onto the screen without losing impact — whichever director decides to take on this project will definitley have their work cut out for them.
On top of all of that, Jonas is supposed to be 12, and Thwaites is most certainly not. Although characters are often aged up in film adaptations, the character's age is important to the plot and message of the novel, and so Thwaites being in his early 20s causes a problem there. There is one thing, though, that we take no issue with: casting Jeff Bridges in the title role. The Dude can do no wrong.

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'Homeland' Season 2 Finale Refresher, Because Most of Us Forgot What Happened

'Homeland' Season 2 Finale Refresher, Because Most of Us Forgot What Happened

Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison and Damian Lewis as Nicholas "Nick" Brody in Homeland (Season 2, Episode 8). - Photo:  Kent Smith/SHOWTIME - Photo ID:  Homeland_208_0830Showtime
I don’t know about you, but I’m in serious need of a Homeland Season 2 refresher. Yes, I remember the whole "Brody might have just killed over 200 people at CIA headquarters with a bomb" thing, but it's the smaller details that have slipped through the cracks. Like, remember when Brody basically gave Mike permission to keep on screwing Jessica and taking care of their kids? How selfless of him.
Here are a few other gems you might have forgotten:
1. Estes (David Harewood) ordered Peter Quinn (the devilishly good looking Rupert Friend) to kill Brody (Damian Lewis). Lucky for Brody, it looks like Quinn might have a heart (and maybe the hots for Carrie?) because he couldn't go through with it. Instead, he told Estes to back off or he’d kill him instead. Stick it to the man, Quinn.2. Brody and Carrie (Claire Danes) revisited the cabin and had something of a romantic getaway that involved Brody "fake" aiming a gun at Carrie's head. (Now that's what I call a relaxing vacay.)
3. Brody decided to officially leave politics. (I would say that after you've killed the VP of the United States and gotten away with it, it's a good time to get out of the limelight.)
4. Brody told Mike (Diego Klattenhoff) that he and Jessica (Morena Baccarin) were splitting up.
5. Saul's (Mandy Patinkin) polygraph death sentence was redacted.
6. Brody basically confessed to Dana (Morgan Saylor) that he almost set off the bomb in season one, and Dana was predictably offended by it.
7. Saul went to Abu Nazir's (Navid Negahban) burial at the sea.
8. Saul called out Carrie for loving Brody and working at the CIA. In an epically truthful Saul-way, he told her, "You’re the smartest and dumbest f**kin' person I’ve ever known." True that, Saul.
9. Carrie, Saul, Brody, and a bunch of other people went to CIA headquarters for VP Walden’s (Jamey Sheridan) funeral. Carrie and Brody snuck off to an office, and Carrie told Brody that she was choosing him over her career, causing 21st century women to roll their eyes in disgust.
10. But uh-oh, someone moved Brody’s car closer to the CIA building, and the next thing we knew a bomb exploded and killed over 200 people, including Walden’s family (including Dana’s bad-boy love interest, Finn) and Estes.
11. Apparently the blow to the head caused by the bomb made Carrie believe that Brody didn’t set off the bomb (WHAT??), and she proceeded to help him cross the border and escape into the Canadian woods.
12. Brody’s confession tape in season one was released to the public confirming that he’s a terrorist. Whoops.
13. Saul was finally put in charge, and we found out that Mira (Sarita Choudhury) is coming back!! (Now that’s a relationship that I can root for.)
And that about sums up the end of season two. Who knows if the Homeland writers will be able to pull it together and make season three a success, but I’m willing to give it a shot. A lot of people have been talking about giving up on the show, but I think that's just the frustration talking. And I get it. We’ve been toyed around with, and by keeping Brody alive and us wondering if he did it or not seems like a cheap way to keep us hanging on, but if it leads us to another adrenaline filled season of suspense, then I’m all in. My one request is that Dana cools her jets and stops being so mopey. Get a grip, Dana. Get a grip.
Season three of Homeland premieres Sept. 29 at 9 P.M. on Showtime.

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Watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson Channel Their Inner Jersey in 'Don Jon' Interview

Watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson Channel Their Inner Jersey in 'Don Jon' Interview

If you've never been to Jersey, pop culture has given you a pretty colorful idea of the sort of people that reside in the Garden State: walking aerosol cans of unmitigated bravado, singing tall tales of sexual escapades and social dominance through Mid-Atlantic affects. Now, some real life Jersey folk will proclaim this stereotype to be unfair, inaccurate, and offensive. But those who know and love the state best appreciate it for these vividly real eccentricities. Don Jon director, writer, and star Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his screen partner Scarlett Johansson do not hold back in their illustration of a flavorful Jersey. Having grown up in Manhattan, Johansson was hardly a stranger to the identity of the Shore folk, infusing her Don Jon character with the attitude and flair of the people she knew in her younger days. In the above interview for the film, JGL and ScarJo chat about creating the strange, frenetic world we see in the new picture, infusing it with the melodies of the Jersey they know.
M084 Writer/Director Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars with Scarlett Johansson in Relativity Media's "Don Jon". Photo credit:  Linda Kllrus 2013 Relativity Media, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.Relativity Media
But Don Jon is more than just a love letter to ol' N.J., and is instead Gordon-Levitt's attempt at subverting the rom-com genre in entirety. The filmmaker discusses his motivations in tackling the tropes with which he has come to take issue, and how they have effected our society in a particularly troubling way. Learn about Gordon-Levitt's vision, Johansson's inspirations, and the personal "addictions" of the two stars in the above video, and catch Don Jon in theaters now.

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Will Sparks Club Party pics